Pipilotti Rist- (born 21 June 1962), is a visual artist who works with video, film, and moving images which are often displayed as projections.My favorite collection is the solo exhibition she has in the MOMA. I have always been intrigued by the amount of time we spend in bed and how much we yet long to be there. I often think about being in my bed while at a concert, cause how awesome would that be?! Anyway thats were this exhibition/rist took me when I saw this video on youtube. She has individuals laying in twin bed with projections on them and on the bed.
june Paik-Nam - June Paik was a Korean American artist. When I looked up his video art online it showed upbeat music with beams of light dragging from the figures. I think this is beautiful but also distracting. The music seems to determine the mood and speed of the clips.
Fred forest- Born: July 6, 1933 (age 83 years),Fred Forest is a French new media artist making use of video, photography, the printed press, mail, radio, television, telephone, telematics, and the internet in a wide range of installations, performances, A self-taught artist whose formal education ended after primary school. His video art that I tried looking at on youtube in the MOMA were mostly just him talking in french before his exhibition and then someone starting taping him up so I'm not sure if that is the video art or f the projectors in the background were or all it together.
Jesper Just- is a Danish artist, who lives and works in New York, NY. Thematically, his film works revolve around “the complex inter-relations between sexuality, love and cinema.” Many of his older films specifically question conventional notions of masculinity. Nina Folkersma writes: “A real man is supposed to contain his emotions, to be inviolable, intellectual, pragmatic, virile, and dominant. That, at least, is the image of man portrayed in most Hollywood films. Transgressing social and cinematographic conventional representations of masculinity is a crucial element of Just’s work.” I absolutely love this thinking and type of video art its ominous and I love the slow motion and slow music really makes you think and look through the narrative. I feel like this is video art with a purpose not just cool lights or a social commentary.
Sharon Neshat- is an Iranian visual artist who lives in New York City, known primarily for her work in film, video and photography. Her artwork centers on the contrasts between Islam and the West, femininity and masculinity, public life and private life, antiquity and modernity, and bridging the spaces between these subjects. Nest has been recognized countless times for her work, from winning the International Award Nest’s earliest works were photographs, such as the Unveiling (1993) and Women of Allah (1993–97) series, which explore notions of femininity in relation to Islamic fundamentalism and militancy in her home country. I again LOVEEE this video art with like a political deeper underlying meaning and I love the idea of doing a split screen of two different views going on in one topic. Powerful and subtle.
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