Thursday, January 19, 2017

My So called Opinions

  While reading this article I wrote down pluralism. Good or bad? This reading discusses how millennials stereotypes stem from the way we were raised. Differing from traditional values Multicultural ethics was something that was taught to be embraced not just accepted. Political correctness had children my age afraid to say the wrong thing.
  Craig Owns believes that by saying we are all the same we do not benefit anyone. Differences is what makes us who we are, as Americans we pride ourselves in being the melting pot, a ethnic pool not just one "master" race. If I am correct he goes on to say that by colleges reinforcing liberal art and its literature they are only crippling these students outside the classroom in spaces or work,play,politics and even love.
  The French sociologist of science Bruno Latour agrees but bring up the technological side of our adolescents. Millennials are the generation that truly were able to extend there selves into space at a click of a button. Latour finds that the rapid growth of the digital world is so hard to keep up with that people are finding it increasingly difficult to embrace measured judgement as a result.

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