Monday, January 30, 2017

Alternative facts

This artical talks about how Trump at the begining of his campaign has been using sources of "alternative facts" Other people have been using photographs statictics and even head counts to jusify there facts. While trump has been embelishing. Alternative facts really means facts you paid people to make up. He then went on at length, attacking reporters, particularly one from The New York Times, for tweeting photographs comparing the size of the crowd at Friday’s inauguration unfavorably with Barack Obama’s first inauguration. (That image was retweeted from the National Park Service’s account, prompting a brief Twitter freeze at the Interior Department.)These are only three examples of Trump and his aides offering statements that are not only provably false, but easily checked.

Overall I find it ridculous that our President is allowed to hide behind this facade of lies. How many lies or so called "alternative facts?" will we have to swallow during this presidency?!?! 

What would start happening if trumps alternative fact get more out of hand than "global warming isnt real"

Information will never be conisdered the same.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

My So called Opinions

  While reading this article I wrote down pluralism. Good or bad? This reading discusses how millennials stereotypes stem from the way we were raised. Differing from traditional values Multicultural ethics was something that was taught to be embraced not just accepted. Political correctness had children my age afraid to say the wrong thing.
  Craig Owns believes that by saying we are all the same we do not benefit anyone. Differences is what makes us who we are, as Americans we pride ourselves in being the melting pot, a ethnic pool not just one "master" race. If I am correct he goes on to say that by colleges reinforcing liberal art and its literature they are only crippling these students outside the classroom in spaces or work,play,politics and even love.
  The French sociologist of science Bruno Latour agrees but bring up the technological side of our adolescents. Millennials are the generation that truly were able to extend there selves into space at a click of a button. Latour finds that the rapid growth of the digital world is so hard to keep up with that people are finding it increasingly difficult to embrace measured judgement as a result.
My first idea for the quotidian project is to have someone record me every other day pressing a random piano key. At the end I want to assemble the the notes in a order that sounds like a familiar melody.
     As you suggested I might think of a specific song to begin with and try to learn it by playing one note every other day.
---- your artists example --- I can not find the examples on your blog it says I have to ask permission  
My second idea is planting a flower and photographing its growth; maybe every 3 days? 

 In my head the first day it would be a close up of the soil and the seeds I am about to plant and every 3 days the camera would get further away from the flower until it bloomed. Giving it a motion once all the frames were aligned next to each other.
---Botanical artist 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

 1- I have taken 3 Photoshop classes and computer classes since 5th grade
 2- A better handle on photoshop and video skills
 3- visual studies attempts to uncover the hidden truth of the visual which can be seen on computers
 4- I am more comfortable with Photoshop then Illustrator
 5- I do have a lap top with photoshop
 6- I hope to gain a better understanding of what I can do with my computer skills in the future
 7- Don't know m favorite artist yet
 8- Lana Del Rey
 9- I love horseback ridding and plan to go to the peace choir
On a warm summers night. Two girls ran from their house into the ocean... celebrating what would soon be there demise.